Swift: an array of protocols

May 27th, 2015 · · swift, opensource, development

I was working on a side project yesterday, a side project which I decided to develop using Swift. My day job mostly consists of Objective-C (which I still love) but all the hip kids are doing Swift and it doesn't hurt to keep along with the latest trend, right? And learning is fun.

So I was coding away, and I had this component which needed to notify several other components of certain events that happened. In practice this meant that I needed a sort of multicast delegate. Now, I could have solved this the old Cocoa way by using notifications, but I try to stay away from them unless it really makes sense. The contract they offer is pretty loose (which can be handy too), but I wanted to try something more set-in-stone right now.

The setup

So I created this class and protocol.

protocol ThingyNotifier  {
    func didDoOneThingy(thingyName: String)
    func didDoOtherThingy(thingyId: Int)

class ThingyManager {
    func doOneThingy() {
        for thingyName in ["one-thing", "other-thing"] {
          notifyAll { notifier in

    func doOtherThingy() {
      for thingyId in [1, 2] {
        notifyAll { notifier in

    func addNotifier(notifier: ThingyNotifier) {
        // to be implemented

    func removeNotifier(notifier: ThingyNotifier) {
        // to be implemented

    private func notifyAll(notify: ThingyNotifier -> ()) {
        // to be implemented

(Note: The actual code was obviously different but similar.)

This is pretty simple: I have a ThingyManager which manages thingies (not very good in this case, but I disgress), and whenever something changes I'd like to notify one or more instances of said changes. This is where ThingyNotifier comes in; and as you can see, there's more than one thing to be notified of. This is like the delegate pattern, but as a 1->n connection instead of a 1->1 connection.

You'll also notice that there are 3 methods still left to be implemented: addNotifier, removeNotifier and notifyAll. We'll cover these later.

Additionally, I'd like to sprinkle some operator magic on top so that using these notifiers becomes more intuitive:

func +=(left: ThingyManager, right: ThingyNotifier) -> ThingyManager {
    return left

func -=(left: ThingyManager, right: ThingyNotifier) -> ThingyManager {
    return left

This just wraps our addNotifier and removeNotifier in += and -= calls, and so I can use this class like this:

class ThatController : ThingyNotifier {
  let thingyManager: thingyManager

  init(thingyManager: ThingyManager) {
    self.thingyManager = thingyManager
    thingyManager += self

  deinit() {
    self.thingyManager -= self

Which is nice (IMHO) and invokes some fond memories of using multicast delegates in my C# days.

// to be implemented

But now those three methods remain. Let's implement them.

First of all, we need a place to store our ThingyNotifier instances:

private var notifiers: [ThingyNotifier] = []

We'll just use an array of ThingyNotifier. Easy.

Now onto notifyAll, which is just an iteration over said array to invoke the block on each notifier:

private func notifyAll(notify: ThingyNotifier -> ()) {
    for notifier in notifiers {

Again, easy.

Next up: addNotifier. This is even easier, just add the notifier to our array:

func addNotifier(notifier: ThingyNotifier) {

And finally removeNotifier. Here's where things get tricky (you felt this coming, right?). A naive implementation could be:

func removeNotifier(notifier: ThingyNotifier) {
    if let index = find(notifiers, notifier) {

But alas, the compiler disagrees:

Now the error is a bit sparse on information, but looking at the (current) definition of find gives us more information:

func find<C : CollectionType where C.Generator.Element : Equatable>(domain: C, value: C.Generator.Element) -> C.Index?

It turns out that the element of the collection type we're trying to find something in must conform to Equatable. That makes sense since how else would find know if it has found the element it is looking for? There must be some kind of test for equality.

So, the solution is easy, right? Just make ThingyNotifier conform to Equatable:

protocol ThingyNotifier : Equatable {
    func didDoOneThingy(thingyName: String)
    func didDoOtherThingy(thingyId: Int)

Nope. This introduces a slew of new errors (of the same type):

Looking at the definition of Equatable:

protocol Equatable {
    func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

Notice the Self type. This denotes that the method will use the actual type that's implementing the protocol. In this case, it makes sure we're comparing two objects of the same type with each other. This actually makes sense from a semantic standpoint: it's a pretty good assumption that objects need to be of the same type to be considered equal.

But this doesn't help us: we can't use Equatable, and thus we can't use find. We'll have to find another way.

Our own ==

So let's declare the == operator/func to be part of the ThingyNotifier protocol itself:

protocol ThingyNotifier {
    func didDoOneThingy(thingyName: String)
    func didDoOtherThingy(thingyId: Int)

    func ==(lhs: ThingyNotifier, rhs: ThingyNotifier) -> Bool

And then we'll change our searching a bit to do a manual loop over the array instead of using find.

func removeNotifier(notifier: ThingyNotifier) {
    for (var i=0; i<notifiers.count; ++i) {
        if notifiers[i] == notifier {

Well, that doesn't work either: we get back to the same problem as before, kind of:

And while you can make that error go away by providing an implementation of that == operator, like this...

func ==(lhs: ThingyNotifier, rhs: ThingyNotifier) -> Bool
    return true // UWOTM8

... it's kind of useless since you still need to do comparing of ThingyNotifier instances and always returning true or false isn't going to do that. Since we have nothing else to work with, we're stuck.

A solution

Since we can't do this in pure-pure Swift, let's include Foundation into the party. How about we declare ThingyNotifier to have to conform to NSObjectProtocol? In my use case, this wasn't a problem since the notifier instances would be UIViewController instances anyway, but I guess this puts a bit of a limitation on what target objects you can use in the more general case.

protocol ThingyNotifier : NSObjectProtocol {
    func didDoOneThingy(thingyName: String)
    func didDoOtherThingy(thingyId: Int)

But it does introduce isEqual() into the equation. So now our removeNotifier implementation will become:

func removeNotifier(notifier: ThingyNotifier) {
    for (var i=0; i<notifiers.count; ++i) {
        if notifiers[i].isEqual(notifier) {

And that works as expected. Like I said before, this introduces an extra requirement to conform to the NSObject protocol, which might be problematic depending on how you want to use this. But in practice, it's likely that the objects you're using as ThingyNotifiers are a subclass of NSObject anyway.

I can hear you think: "but what if I just add an equality method myself?". Let's just copy the isEqual method signature from NSObjectProtocol and we're good, right?

protocol ThingyNotifier {
    func didDoOneThingy(thingyName: String)
    func didDoOtherThingy(thingyId: Int)

    func isEqual(object: AnyObject!) -> Bool


Why? Objects conforming to ThingyNotifier now have to implement this method too and on top of it you cannot freeload on the NSObjectProtocol implementation anyway:

And! Our equality check doesn't work anymore:

So, all in all, this NSObjectProtocol approach isn't too bad.

A Real Pure™ Swift solution?

So, as far as I know, there's no pure Swift solution to this. Joe Groff of the Swift team at Apple provided a trampoline to a solution which I tried to implement. Alas, his solution – while clever – caused other problems. For example: you can't have the += and -= operators (or any operator) operating on protocol instances if the protocol somehow employs the Self type, causing us to get back to the same error as mentioned before. Which leaves us empty handed yet again. 😉

This reminds me to mention how I love how the Swift team reaches out to us for problems like this. They cannot solve them all but they are very helpful and even getting these problems noticed by them makes me feel like there's a good chance they'll be actually solved in the future. Who knows, right?

Anyway, thanks to Joe (and the team) for the help. Much appreciated! 👍

Example code

You can find a playground with the code included in this post on Github, if you care to play with it some more.

And oh, if there's another approach, I'd love to hear it!

This post was proofread by: @joericoach, @fousa, @whakkee. Many thanks!